Music + Tech Round-Up Feb 14 2014
February 14, 2014
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Music + Tech Round-Up Feb 14 2014
Happy Valentine’s Day guys! Now before you head off to dinner or wherever you’re going tonight, why not catch up on the best of this week’s Music + Tech news?:
Digital Radio Will Continue To Grow
New reports indicate that digital radio growth will continue, estimating 159.8 million digital radio listeners by the end of 2014, further increasing to 183.4 million in 2018, with trends indicating the need for both lean-in and lean-back services, multiple device compatibility and a range of monetisation models. We’re excited at the thought of growth and hope to be powering many more digital radio services in the future. Team Up With Sonos
Music blog aggregator, has teamed up with out partner Sonos. This means that Sonos speakers will now be able to play never-ending music from selected sites via
The pair have also introduced Pause, a quarterly compilation of the best music related articles, making it easier for you to keep up with the best content!
Sony Gets Creative
Sony are selling their $100 MP3 player from a vending machine in a bottle of water, calling it The Bottled Walkman. The waterproof device is perfect if you’re working up a bit of a sweat in the gym, or even if you fancy a swim!
Vinyl Is Better, Down Where It’s Wetter, Under The Sea
Ever been in a body of water and thought “Man, I wish I could play vinyl in here!”? Well, now you can. Evan Holm has built an underwater turntable station as an art project. See it in action below:
Gamer’s Valentine’s Day Messages
Here at 7digital we’re partial to a bit of gaming, but we’re also partial to a bit of love, so when we found these 5 honest Valentine’s from gamers we thought they were just perfect:

Have a good weekend!Love7